COST-Studenten wieder da nach Corona-Pause

Geimpft, getestet und mit Maske ausgerüstet freut sich unsere COST-Studentin aus Michigan, den praktischen Teil ihrer Lehrerinnenausbildung an der KLS absolvieren zu können. Trotz Einschränkungen hat sie es genossen, Land und Leute, Traditionen und Schulsystem ein wenig kennenlernen und mit Englischkolleginnen und -kollegen, sowie mit Schülerinnen und Schülern verschiedener Altersstufen zusammenarbeiten und sich austauschen zu können. Es sind Begegnungen, die prägen und langfristig nachwirken! So beschreibt sie es selbst:

Hello! My name is Chelsea Benoot and I just completed my student teaching at KLS and the COST program. I am from a tiny town outside of Detroit, Michigan called Lake Orion. I attend Grand Valley State University with degrees in Secondary Education and Social Studies. Grand Valley State has been partnered with the COST program for awhile and I am more than grateful for the opportunity to be in Cologne as I continue my educational journey to becoming a teacher.

What I liked most about teaching at KLS was the wide range of ages and students I worked with. I worked with 6th, 8th, 9th, and 11th graders, each with their own unique personalities and classroom environments. The students themselves just kept blowing me away with the intellectual questions and positive attitudes. My first day was assisting with oral exams for the 11th graders, giving me a taste of how hard-working and intelligent the students I would be working with are. With the broad range of students, I was able to gain experience with multiple age groups, from planning a lesson about Halloween for the 6th graders to having an enlightening discussion with the 11th graders about illegal immigration in the U.S., I feel better equipped for my own future as I head into the field of education.

As I finish my time at Grand Valley State and continue into my professional career, I will keep my experience at KLS close to my heart. Under the guidance of the teachers and through my interactions with the students, I have grown both as a person and as a professional. I will miss Cologne, but I know that with everything I learned there, I will be making a difference back home. Thank you, KLS staff and students for making me feel like I was a part of the community you made.

Wir wünschen ihr alles Gute für ihren weiteren Weg!


